CE Pathways & Credentials of Value

Awarding Academic Credit from Continuing Education Units to Career & Technical Courses Purpose: 

To provide an entry for students wishing to transition from the continuing education portion of their education to the academic credit continuation of their education, students may request a conversion of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to college credit for a specific career and technical courses.

Articulated Continuing Education Courses

Articulated Continuing Education courses consist of learning experiences comparable to a credit course. In addition to completing the CE course(s), students may be required to provide industry certification. An articulation agreement to award credit must be in effect during the semester a student completes the CE course to receive credit. See below for a complete list of agreements to articulate CEUs to semester credit hours (SCH).

Student Procedure:

Review the crosswalk of courses that have been approved by the Continuing Education Division, Academic Program Chair, Dean for Academic Success, and Vice President for Academic Success.

  • Student enrolls in the Career & Technical Education Academic Program for one semester.
  • Student visits Academic Chair for Academic advisement for credit acquisition. Students are responsible for requesting credit and providing their CE transcript.
  • Up to the 45-hour maximum may be awarded once the student has earned six (6) college semester credit hours at the respective college.
  • Conversions of CEUs to academic credit must be requested within three (3) years of completing the continuing education course. Grades will be posted as CR and not included in the GPA. Credit by non-traditional means may not be awarded once a grade has been earned in the same course, excluding I and W. For the purpose of articulating Continuing Education (CE) to Academic credit, the CE grading system is aligned with present-year academic standards.
  • At the beginning of the student’s second semester, the Academic Advisor completes a course substitution form and processes the form for signatures.
  • No assessment of charges for posting the approved courses on the student’s transcript.


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Accordingly, with the Guidelines for Instructional Programs in Workforce Education, a Continuing Education (CE) certificate program consists of workforce knowledge and skills identified in the same manner as those in credit programs. All CE certificate programs must be listed in the college’s approved inventory of programs and must be transcripted.